Five Days to a Better You – Day 5 This week has been about enhancing self-awareness and understanding. In this part of the world, we talk about how someone “gets on”. Getting to know and understand how you get on, what is behind this, what your thoughts and feelings are and what’s going on in your […]
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Five Days to a Better You, Day 4: Physical Impact
Here’s a word for you – psychoendoneuroimmunology! This field of study has shown that the mind (brain) and body (nervous, hormonal and immune systems) are intricately linked and have a direct impact on our health and wellbeing. In his book of the same title, Dr Bessel van der Kolk says that “the body keeps the […]
Five Days to a Better You – Day 3: Emotions
Five Days to a Better You Day 3: Emotions Emotions are what gives life’s tapestry its colour. Whenever we experience something and are describing it back to others, we say things like “I felt so happy, I felt scared, I felt awful” etc. We experience a wide range of emotions arising from many sources such […]
Five Days to a Better You – Day 2: Thoughts
Five Days to a Better You – Day 2: Thoughts Our thoughts are constantly helping us to interpret the world around us, describing what is happening, and trying to make sense of it by helping us interpret events, sights, sounds, smells, feelings. Without even realising it, we add our own meaning to everything happening around us […]
Five Days to a Better You – Day 1
Five Days to a Better You…… A new year can bring many things to our lives such as hopes, wishes, plans and the infamous “resolutions” to create a better year than the one before. All well and good of course, but how long can these last if we are doing exactly as we did before? […]
Depression Awareness
Employers for Disability NI has launched the first in a series of fact sheets and case studies to provide insight into the experiences of people with mental health issues and how they can be supported in the workplace, whether by HR personnel, line managers or colleagues. This series has been funded by the Halifax Foundation. […]
Upcoming Webinar: Menopause in the Workplace
Employers for Disability NI is holding a webinar, “Menopause: What you need to know” from 10.00am – 12.30pm on Thursday 10 December 2020. This webinar will help participants gain insight into the experience of menopause and how to manage the effects in the workplace. The key speaker will be Kate Staunton, proprietor of Zest […]
Website Accessibility: Six Top Checks
The Equality Commission for NI has highlighted six key issues to enhance web accessibility for disabled people. The following is a very useful basic website access check advised by the Commission: Keyboard accessibility Can you tab around the screen? For those who do not use a mouse it is important to be able to access […]
Energy Impairment and Disability Inclusion
Energy Impairment and Disability Inclusion, a report by the Chronic Illness Inclusion Project, provides very interesting information on people experiencing energy impairment, particularly how they are often not considered to have a disability, experience hostility and have their fatigue dismissed with comments such as “everyone gets tired”. There has been very little work done on this […]