Archive by Author

Wellbeing Event and AGM

Thanks to our fabulous speakers, Lynda Fox from BT and Louise Beckett, Shared Reader Leader/Facilitator, who delivered excellent, informative presentations at our Wellbeing Event and AGM held on Wednesday 7, December 2016. With employee wellbeing being a top issue for organisations, this event was designed to share member good practice in this area.  Employers for […]

NICVA Achieves Member Accreditation

NICVA’s Deputy Chief Executive, Úna McKernan and HR Manager, Alex McGimpsey, were presented with their Member Accreditation Certificate by Employers for Disability NI’s Traning and Advice Director, Gabrielle Fitzpatrick.  This recognised the fantastic work done by NICVA to implement practices to fulfil the eight Disability Good Practice Commitments they had signed up to as members of Employers for […]