Upcoming Webinar: Menopause in the Workplace

Employers for Disability NI is holding a webinar, “Menopause: What you need to know” from 10.00am – 12.30pm on Thursday 10 December 2020This webinar will help participants gain insight into the experience of menopause and how to manage the effects in the workplace.


The key speaker will be Kate Staunton, proprietor of Zest Natural Health, Armagh, who hosts workshops in this area aimed at building self-awareness and emphasising self-management.  Kate has an advanced diploma in cognitive behavioural therapy, a degree in psychological trauma studies and a diploma in nutritional therapy and will be bringing this knowledge and experience to the subject of the menopause.  In addition, Stephanie Reid from Business in the Community will provide information on manager guidelines for menopause in the workplace.


The cost will be £39.50 plus VAT for members of Employers for Disability NI and £55.50 plus VAT for non-members.  Lead Partners can avail of a free place.  Email for bookings and further details: info@efdni.org.  


We look forward to a really interesting and informative event of benefit to a significant proportion of your workforce now and in the future.




10.00am                Welcome & introduction

Gabrielle Fitzpatrick, Employers for Disability NI

10.05am                Kate Staunton, Zest Natural Health

  • Definition of menopause
  • When are you in menopause
  • Symptoms of menopause
  • Treatment, self-care and lifestyle
  • Emotional support
  • Why good management is essential for work and home

(10.50am              10 min comfort break)

12.00pm                Stephanie Reid, Business in the Community

Guidelines on managing menopause in the workplace

12:20pm                Questions

12:30pm                Close